About Books & Literature: New Year, New Books!

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From Megan Romer, your About Books & Literature Editor
Happy New Year! My big resolution for 2012 is to read 100 books. That was actually my resolution for 2011, also, but I only made it to 85. Not bad, but I think I can do better.

Literary Resolutions
It's not too late to tackle a literary resolution or two. Mine is fairly cut-and-dry, but I do have a list of sub-resolutions that will be a bit trickier to carry out. For example, I promised myself that at least 20 of my 100 books would be classics that I haven't read. Without a trusty English professor at my side, it's actually kind of a daunting proposition, but one I'm looking forward to tackling.
See More About:  resolutions  literature  books

Predicting Teen Reading Trends for 2012
Another sub-resolution, intended to sort of counter-balance the difficulty of the "20 Classics" rule, is to include 20 young adult novels on my list. And why not? Some of the finest literature of the past decade has been for teens (The Hunger Games Trilogy and the Harry Potter books come to mind), so it might be time for me to dig a little bit deeper into this genre. Check out this interview with young adult literature expert Sarah Flowers for some insight on what's hot in teen lit and what your kids (and perhaps you and I) should be reading.
See More About:  young adult books  teen reading trends 

Review: 'Blueprints of the Afterlife' by Ryan Baudinot
After reading our own Mark Flanagan's review of this book, it also became one of my 100. He said this: "... a book that I will unequivocally press into the hands of any who approach me for a recommendation in 2012, for between its covers Boudinot lets loose a cast of brilliantly colorful characters acting across a bizarre chain of events to tell the story about how the world ends." How can I say no to that?

January 2012 New Releases
So that leaves me with 59 open spaces on the list (or something like that -- I'm a writer, not a mathematologist), for which I'll be selecting primarily new and recent releases in both the fiction and nonfiction genres, with a bit of poetry thrown in for good measure. This month's new releases seem to be as good of a place as any to start.


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Featured Articles
Review: The Key of Z Issues 1-3
Poems for the New Year
Write a Review of Romeo and Juliet!
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