About Auto & Wheels: Heidi Klum Edition

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Nominate Your Favorite Cars
Aaron goes off pretty regularly about which cards he thinks are the best (example: Best New Cars for 2012), but this time it's your turn. Click to nominate your favorite cars. You don't have to clear anything with Aaron first. You also don't have to pick the car I picked there. You know which one that is, right?
See More About:  awards  readers choice awards 

Spot the Scam
Here's the scene: a family member/friend calls and says there's something weird going on with the financing of their car. You say, "I don't know anything about financing." And they say, "But you're the car guy!" I know, I know, you have to know everything. Here's what you need to know about the "Yo-yo scam."
See More About:  buying advice  dealer scams 

Rio Rocks: The Little Kia That Could
I'm a fan of little hatchbacks. They're affordable and incredibly adaptable. That being said, I'm also pretty shallow and if something prettier comes along I'm all over it. What I'm saying is the sedan is far, far better looking than the hatch, right? The hatch looks like an awkward teen while the sedan looks all grown up.
See More About:  kia  subcompact cars  inexpensive cars

Scooter or Motorcycle?
Not that I'm taking any joy in the fact that Heidi Klum is separating from her husband, but the timing is pretty good for me. Once I get this new Honda I'll be able to swoop in and charm the heck out of her. I mean, she'll be a single mom soon so, really, it's my duty to help her out.
See More About:  new models for 2012  honda motorcycles 


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