About.com Health: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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From Heather Watkins, your About Health Editor
The holidays are a time of friends, family, and good cheer -- and lots o' food and drinks! While Santa may put on a few pounds this season, you don't have to meet the same fate.

How to Avoid Overeating
Is it just me, or does it seem like delicious cookies and candies are calling out from every corner? These tips will help strengthen your willpower.

Stay Fit During the Holidays
It's all too easy to let your workouts slide during the holidays, particularly when your schedule is jam-packed with parties, errands, and preparation. But even if you don't have time for your normal routine, something is better than nothing.

Don't Let Difficult People Get You Down
Spending time with loved ones during the holidays can be wonderful, but if conflict is simmering under the surface, family gatherings can turn stressful. Here's how to keep your cool.

Gift Ideas for Yoga Fanatics
If you're still hunting for that perfect gift, we have plenty of suggestions. To the mall you go!
See More About:  yoga gifts  yoga clothing  yoga books


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