About.com Health: Lose Weight in the New Year

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From Heather Watkins, your About Health Editor
With the start of a new year, many of us are making resolutions -- and quite often, those resolutions revolve around losing weight. We're here to help you stick to your guns.

How to Burn More Fat
Whether you choose weight-training, walking, or Pilates, there are so many ways to get active and start slimming down. Learn how to maximize your workout's fat-burning potential.

What to Eat to Lose Weight
There's more to dieting than just cutting calories. You still need to eat healthy foods and take in the right amount of nutrients. The easiest way to do this? Plan ahead.
See More About:  losing weight  meal plans  cutting calories

Running Resolutions
Making a resolution can kick-start your running motivation.
See More About:  running motivation  race training 

Lose More Weight with Support
Research shows that no matter what the diet or exercise program, a strong network of support is the key ingredient for success.


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