About Teen Life: Web Goes on Strike to Protest SOPA

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From Ellen Friedrichs, your About Teen Life Editor
Did you try to search for anything on Wikipedia today? Maybe for that English paper due at 2:30, or your history paper due first thing tomorrow morning? If you did you probably didn't get what you were looking for. Instead you got a message that reads: "Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia." Keep reading to find out what this is all about!

Web Goes On Strike Today
According to an Los Angeles Times blogspot, "Following through on their threats to shut down for a day over controversial proposed anti-piracy legislation, a coalition of websites including the hugely popular user-generated encyclopedia Wikipedia went black as midnight struck the East Coast... Read more

Yahoo, Google and Facebook Lobby Against Stop Online Piracy
The name of the legislation sounds well intended - the Stop Online Piracy Act - otherwise known as SOPA. After all, who doesn't want to stop online piracy? Internet giants Google, Facebook, and Yahoo admit the legislation has laudable goals. So why are they going to such great lengths to express their extreme opposition to SOPA... Read more

The WSJ explains the SOPA / PIPA legislation
Piracy of intellectual property is an exceptionally important issue to authors, publishers, filmmakers--all artists. If you think sharing other peoples' creative content online without credit, permission, or compensation is no big deal, then you've apparently never had to make a living selling your work... Read more
See More About:  copyright  sopa  pipa

What is Digital Rights Management?
One way of providing digital copyright protection is through digital rights management, or DRM. Digital rights management is any type of technology that stops or limits the practice of illegal digital copying. This can be anything from a company restricting its employees from forwarding certain emails, to a movie distributor encoding software on its DVDs to limit the number of copies a user can make, or a software company limiting the installation of its software to only two computers... Read more


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