About Pets: Valentine's Day Safety Tips for Pets

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From Alyson Burgess, your About Pets Editor
Valentine's Day is a holiday that's all about you and the ones you love -- and your pets are no exception! Since the big day is less than a month away, it's a good idea to brush up on your Valentine's Day safety prowess. Use this handy list of safety tips to make sure that your pet stays safe during your Valentine's Day festivities, and you'll be helping to make sure that the holiday is a safe and happy one for the whole family.

Valentine's Day Pet Bird Safety Tips
The things that make Valentine's Day special for us can be a deadly mix for parrots and other pet birds. Put these tips into practice, and you will greatly reduce the risk of harm to your bird during your celebrations.

Valentine Cats Picture Gallery
What's sweeter than a photo gallery full of loving Valentine's Day kitties? Check out this fun and adorable gallery for pictures of some of the cutest kitties around celebrating Valentine's Day the feline way.

Toxins, Poisons, and Your Dog
Alcoholic drinks and sugary sweets are a part of many Valentine's Day celebrations, but like many items, they can spell disaster for your dog. Review this list of poisonous household items to help make sure that your dog stays safe and sound this Valentine's Day.
See More About:  dog toxins  dog poisons  dog hazards

What Makes Chocolate Toxic to Dogs?
Learn about why it's so important to keep your Valentine's Day candies stashed away from your pets in this eye-opening article on chocolate toxicity from your Guide to Veterinary Medicine, Janet Tobaissen Crosby, DVM.


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