About Music: Music's Most Influential

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From Chad Bowar, your About Music Editor
One musical artist can influence countless others, both contemporaries and those who follow. Who have been some of the most influential musicians in the past, and what current musicians will be influencing the next generation? Our music guides examine the most influential musicians in a variety of categories.

Most Influential Country Music Albums
While the founders of country music made their cultural impact on singles, later generations of artists used the full-length album as their medium. Their records broke open new ground and paved the way for future musicians. Here's the country music that made all the rest possible.

Most Influential Figures In Alternative Music History
Proclamations of the 'best' records have their own criteria, classic album lists surely informed by those bands who weren't just beloved in their day, but who've proved to be influential over time. But what if the importance of influence was total, and the only criteria by which we were measuring artists by was how influential they've proved to be, and will surely continue to be?

Most Influential Folk Artists
Throughout the course of American folk music history, there have been literally thousands of artists who have traversed the highways bringing their originals and their adaptations of traditional Americana to every city and town within their reach. Here's a look at ten of the most influential artists who have ever tried their hand at American folk music, bluegrass, alt.country, and other forms of Americana.

Punk's Most Influential Albums
Some punk albums are influential; some are innovative. Here, in no uncertain terms, are 20 of the albums that span that gap. If one of your favorite bands didn't make the list, odds are it's because everything is derived from, learned from or directly ripped off from one of the bands who did. These records should be an integral part of the music collection of anyone who wants to be well-versed in punk.


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