About Teen Life: Commemorating Causes and Raising Awareness

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From Ellen Friedrichs, your About Teen Life Editor
Today People around the world are observing the "Day of Pink" a day to highlight the issues related to anti-gay bullying. Over the years many different causes have been "assigned" days as a way to highlight the associated issues. Here are a few that are relevant to teens.

Day of Silence
The Day of Silence is an annual event designed to bring attention to anti-gay bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Participating teachers and students spend a day without speaking to highlight the fact that many people in the GLBT community are forced to remain silent about who they are... Read more
See More About:  homophobia  glbt teen resources 

Earth Day
Earth Day boasts many accomplishments over the course of its forty-year history. In the United States, it has inspired the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. Here we'll explore a variety of facts about Earth Day and its widespread signficance... Read more
See More About:  conservation  earth day 

National Condom Day
For most people, February 14th is Valentine's Day, which depending on your viewpoint is either a celebration of love, or a big time money maker for Hallmark. But whether you are a romanti or a cynic, February 14th is also National Condom Day... Read more
See More About:  safe sex  condoms  stds

World Autism Day
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Many folks are lighting their avatars up blue for the occasion, just like many homes and buildings will be around the world, and devoting posts to the topic. The day kicks off Autism Awareness Month, which runs through April... Read more
See More About:  autism  asperger syndrome  advocacy


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