About.com Health: Improving Colon Cancer Awareness

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From Heather Watkins, your About Health Editor
As someone whose grandfather passed away from colon cancer, I'm always glad to see more awareness of the disease (like this campaign to turn the White House blue for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month). Hopefully, with more recognition of risk reduction and the importance of screening, fewer people will be affected by colon cancer one day.

Can I Inherit Colon Cancer?
Certain genes can raise your risk of colon cancer. While you can't control your genes, however, you can take steps to minimize risk factors in your lifestyle as well as take care to be screened on schedule.

How Not to Dread a Colonoscopy
Colon cancer has a better prognosis the earlier it's caught. Of course, that means undergoing a colonoscopy, which most people don't look forward to. Minimize your anxiety by learning exactly what will happen and how to make things go as easily as possible.
See More About:  colonoscopy prep  colonoscopy procedure 

Fiber and Colon Cancer Prevention
Fiber is said to have all kinds of health benefits, but its impact on colon cancer prevention is, at the moment, inconclusive.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates
If you or a loved one are diagnosed with colon cancer, one of your first questions will probably be "How bad is it?" Keep in mind that statistics about survival rates don't account for all the different factors in your particular diagnosis.


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