About Teen Life: You Got Your License, Now What?

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From Ellen Friedrichs, your About Teen Life Editor
Getting your drivers license is a really exciting milestone. Actually becoming a safe driver is another. And as many people will tell you, learning how to drive actually happens after the DMV decides you can legally be on the road, not before.

How to Stay Safe on the Road for Teens
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), teens and young adults have the most accidents with automobile fatalities being the leading cause of death in people ages 16 to 21. This is due in part to driving inexperience but there are other factors that play a major role in the accident-prone driving habits of teens... Read more

Tips for New Teen Drivers
A drivers license and/or owning a car is one of the biggest responsibilities your teenagers may have. Here is a list of things they should know how to do before they go out on the road - complete with what should be kept in the car for emergencies... Read more

Teaching Teenagers to Drive
How teens learn to drive is going to vary from family to family. A lot of families hire professional instructors, but this can be inconvenient and expensive, so often mom and dad find themselves with a teen at the wheel... Read more

Teens, Cell Phones, and Driving
Many parents get their teens a cell phone once they begin driving so that they can call in case their car breaks down or any other emergency. That doesn't mean that they need to use their cell phone while they are actually driving though. Driving and talking on a cell phone is a major distraction and possible cause of car crashes... Read more


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