About Pets: Pet Potty Problems

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From Alyson Burgess, your About Pets Editor
Owning a pet means having to do some dirty work sometimes -- and that's never more true than it is when you are having to deal with pet accidents. The articles below spell out great tips for making your job a lot easier if you've been dealing with potty problems in your pet. In most cases of frequent pet accidents, you can alleviate the problem by employing a few simple solutions.

Solving Common Litter Box Problems
If your cat has been having accidents outside of the litter box, then check the information in this helpful article to learn what you can do to to identify the source of the problem and fix it.

Potty Training Puppies
If you've recently adopted a young puppy, then you will want to get started with potty training right away. Use the 8 simple steps in this article to reliably housebreak your puppy quickly and easily.

How to Potty Train Your Pet Bird
Those who own pet birds can use the tips in this article to teach their pets to use the bathroom on command, which can reduce the amount of accidents that they have while out of their cages.

Letter Training Pet Ferrets
Ferret owners often find that it's easier to litter box train their pets than it seems. Most ferrets will take to using a litter box rather swiftly when you use the training tips listed in this article.


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