About.com Health: Are Statins a Wonder Drug?

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From Heather Watkins, your About Health Editor
Statins are among the most commonly prescribed medications out there -- in addition to lowering cholesterol, they have a host of other benefits that can help your heart.

Should I Take a Statin?
While statins have certainly improved many people's lives, that's not to say they're for everyone.

Statins in Women
For example, some doctors question whether women who are only at "medium risk" of heart disease should be prescribed a statin, given that research hasn't yet conclusively proven that they do indeed provide a benefit for that group.

Diabetes: A Statin Side Effect?
Some recent studies have found that high-dose statins may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But for many people, the heart-health benefits of taking a statin may outweigh the risk.

Keeping Your Heart Healthy
There are several ways you can help protect your heart beyond statins, such as eating right and getting plenty of exercise.


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