About Teen Life: Getting Over the Hurdles to Getting Fit

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From Ellen Friedrichs, your About Teen Life Editor
It's that time of year, when a whole lot of people are determined to get fit. And while that is a great goal, it can also be a tough one for teens to make a reality. School work, family responsibilities and plain old lack of motivation can all sabotage your best intentions. Here's how to get on track and stay there even after the initial excitment about getting fit wears off.

30-Day Quick Start Exercise Guide for Beginners
The easiest part of starting an exercise program is making the decision to do it. You're motivated, you're excited and the fantasy of a new, slimmer you is enough to inspire you. The hard part is following through with your plans, a difficult task with so much confusion over how to get started. This 30-Day Quick Start Guide takes the guesswork out of it, giving you a step by step exercise plan that will get you started on the right path to fitness, health and weight loss... Read more

Safe Ways to Exercise for Teens
If you're a teenager, you may be confused about how to exercise to get stronger, stay healthy or, for some, lose or gain weight. The good news is, there's no right way to workout and no perfect exercise that you have to do to be fit. While that's true, it helps to learn about the different ways you can exercise so you can have fun, reach your goals and avoid injuring yourself... Read more

Do You Need a Personal Trainer?
Personal training isn't just for celebrities anymore...in fact, it isn't just for adults anymore. More and more parents are hiring personal trainers to work with their kids to help them stave off a major problem we're seeing lately - childhood obesity With PE classes on the decline, it's no surprise that many parents are turning to personal trainers for help. But is personal training for teens the answer... Read more

How to Stay Motivated to Exercise
If you're trying to lose weight or get in shape, you may find yourself losing interest a few weeks into your program. If you're struggling to stick with your weight loss or exercise program, read on to learn where the love has gone and how to get it back... Read more


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