About Books & Literature: Readers' Choice Awards -- Nominate!

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From Megan Romer, your About Books & Literature Editor
The 2012 About.com Readers' Choice Awards are on! We're in our nomination phase right now, so take a minute and tell our Guides who you think should be on the finalist lists.

Comic Books Readers' Choice Awards 2012
Comic Book fans, we're looking at you! Tell us your favorite writer, artist, webcomic, and more.

Manga Readers' Choice Awards 2012
Manga fans were some of our biggest nominators and voters last year, and I, for one, took many of their suggestions and enjoyed reading several of the winners. This year's categories include Best New Manga, Best Shonen Manga, Best Shojo Manga, and more.

Best Book-to-Film Adaptation of 2011
Hollywood loves a good book, but it seems like more often than not, they mangle it in adaptation. Not always, though. If you have a favorite book-into-movie from 2011 (here's a list of some of the bigger releases), tell us!
See More About:  film adaptations  best of  readers choice

More Awards Categories
Guides from around our network are seeking your nominations for awards, so if you have a favorite in any of these subjects (or others), go forth and nominate!

Best New Biography or Autobiography of a Woman
Best New Woman's History Book
Best Science Fair Book
Favorite Eastern European Cookbook
Favorite Jewish Cookbook
Best Mexican Food Cookbook
Best Pilates Book
Best Books/Publications for Collectors
Favorite Knitting Book of 2011
Best Book About Cat Care
Best Book on Cat Behavior
Best New Gardening Book
Best Book, Outdoor Living and Design
Best Grandparenting Book
Best Parenting Teens Book
Favorite New Special-Needs Parenting Book
Best Survival Guide for Parents of College Kids
Best Book on Adjusting to College Live
Best Marriage Book of 2011
Favorite Agnostic/Atheist Book of 2011
Best Catholic Book of 2011
Best Reiki Book
Best Chakra Healing Book


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