About Music: Best Of 2011

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From Chad Bowar, your About Music Editor
As the year winds to a close, it's time to recap the best of 2011. Our music guides have selected the top releases of the year in many different genres.

Best Alternative and Indie Albums Of 2011
Album-of-the-year lists no longer seem like bastions of rock-critic nerd-dom. With music literally pouring out into the digital realm, tallying the artistic high-water marks of any calender year feels like a way of keeping one's head above the flood-tide of incoming releases. This saturation of new sound --and the digital revolution that's come with-- have also silenced those who used to decry any year as being mediocre. At its best, 2011 was awesome.
See More About:  albums of the year  toro y moi  destroyer

2011 Best Heavy Metal CDs
2011 was an above average year for heavy metal, with tons of great albums. They came from all genres and corners of the globe, and after much listening, re-listening, re-re-listening, culling, ranking, re-ranking, throwing the list away and starting again, we finally came up with our list of the 20 best metal albums released in 2011.

2011's Best Rock Albums
What were the best rock albums of 2011? Well, several came from veteran bands, particularly groups who recently reunited. That doesn't mean up-and-coming groups didn't make their voices heard as well, but by and large this year was dominated by the elder statesmen.
See More About:  best rock 2011  r.e.m.  wilco

Best Folk and Americana Albums Of 2011
Folk/Americana artists dropped new albums at a ridiculous rate in 2011. We saw the return of great long-time favorites like Gillian Welch and Paul Simon (who released two collections into the world this year - an album of new material and a box set). There were also some incredible debuts by newer artists like the Milk Carton Kids and formidable releases from artists who are just beginning to hit their stride (like my number one pick for the Best Folk Album of 2011).


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Featured Articles
Best World Music CDs Of 2011
Best Country Songs Of 2011
Best Mixtapes Of 2011
Classic Rock Year In Review
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