About.com Health: Take a Hike, Pal

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From Heather Loeb, your About Health Editor
The weather's a bit cooler, the leaves are turning colors, and the mosquitoes are finally retreating to their evil hiding places. It's time to take a hike.

Essential Hiking Gear
I like hiking because it feels a lot more adventurous than taking a walk on a treadmill or on the local track. I might actually see a fuzzy wild animal! It also means I need to bring a lot more with me than a bottle of water and some comfy shoes.
See More About:  hiking  hiking boots  backpacks

How to Find a Hiking Trail
Here's a handy list of several web sites that can point you in the direction of the perfect hiking trail, sortable by all sorts of fun choices -- coastal, hilly, beginner, advanced, etc.

Tips for Day Hiking
If you've never hiked before, you'll want to brush up on a few pointers before hitting the trail.
See More About:  hiking  mountains  resorts

Why You'll Feel Great Post-Hike
We've all seen photos of hikers jubilantly throwing their hands in the air as they reach a summit. What makes them so darn happy?
See More About:  healthy living  self care  wellness


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Featured Articles
Shoes for Off Roading
Trail Running Tips
10 Ways to Burn More Calories Right Now
Reader Tips for Healthy Trail Mix
What to Do If You Get Lost
Games to Play on a Hike


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