About Programming: White Screens, ICE, StartsText

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From Angela Bradley, your About Programming Editor
Hello Programmers!
This week we are looking at evil white screens in PHP and how to prevent them. Next we look at internet communications engines, followed by StartsText. Finally we look at a mobile and embedded guide for JavaOne 2011.
Have a great week!

Evil White Screens
Every programmer has experienced the pain of uploading something, going to running it, and getting the dreaded white screen of nothingness. It happens to us all! But there are some things that you can do to help catch the problem.
See More About:  php errors  troubleshooting  white screen

ICE - Internet Communications Engine
Networking is one of those things that yes you could program yourself, but it's probably a lot cheaper to build on someone else's engine. Particularly if they supply a GPL version that works across different platforms, and can be programmed in different languages.

Implementing StartsText With SubText As Pattern
How to determine if a substring begins another string in Delphi? Easy: use StartsText (StartsStr, Pos, ...). How to determine if a pattern-like substring begins another string in Delphi? Easy: use regular expression!

Mobile and Embedded Guide For JavaOne 2011
Terrence Barr, Senior Technologist for Mobile and Embedded Technologies at Oracle, has posted a two part personal guide for Mobile & Embedded sessions (Part II here) at JavaOne 2011.


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