About Computers: Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs

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From Paul Gil, your About Computers Editor
Whether or not you like Apple products, you have to respect how much Steve Jobs influenced the modern computing world. He passed away this last week, after fighting pancreatic cancer. Millions of people are grieving across the internet, and rightly so: Steve Jobs truly was a great pioneer and visionary.

A Biography of Steve Jobs, 1955-2011
He was an adopted child. He founded Apple in the 1970's. He brought about the first computer mouse ever. He was fired from Apple in a power struggle. He founded NeXT and then Pixar, and then he returned to rescue Apple from near-bankruptcy. Steve Jobs truly was an amazing leader, and here is his story...

The History of the Apple Macintosh
It had 128 kilobytes of RAM, a 512 x 384 pixel monitor, and cost nearly $2500 to purchase. But in 1984, the Apple Macintosh completely shifted the world of computing from the mainframe to the personal desktop. Here is its story...

Apple's 10 Most Unforgettable Moments
The PowerMac Cube. Mac OS X. The iPod and iTunes. The iPhone, iPad, and the switch to Intel processors. The history of Apple has been one innovative experiment after another. Steve Jobs truly has cultured a legacy of creativity and visionary development.

Why Investors Love Stocks Like Apple
Customer loyalty. There is such immense cultural inertia around Apple products, any other manufacturer is hard-pressed to compete just by brand alone. Congratulations, Mr. Jobs... you truly did make a dent in the way people look at modern electronics!


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