About Computers: Even Dr. House Needs Second Opinions...

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From Paul Gil, your About Computers Editor
I'm a real fan of both Avast! and Avira malware scanners. And using both has helped me catch perhaps 20% more infections than either alone. How about you: do you use more than 1 malware scanner?

Why You Need a 'Second Opinion' Malware Scanner
Dr. House needs second opinions when it comes to diagnosing infections. We computer folks would do best to think the same way: by using 2 malware scanners to catch viruses and trojans. About.com explains why 'second opinion' scanning is smart computer hygiene...

How to Make a Killer Password
No password will perfectly defend against dedicated brute force attacks. But it is very possible to discourage most casual hackers with a few simple moves. Here are 5 clever techniques that can elevate your password to 'uber strong' status...
See More About:  password  hackers  1337 leet

Should You Buy a Keyboard With Your iPad?
Well, no. Not until you've had a chance to live with your iPad for a couple of weeks. Because a tablet is designed to be a personal device that suits you, it's important to settle into your own routine with it before making big decisions on expensive accessories. About.com explains why you should resist the urge to accesorize...

Which CMS Is the Best Fit for Your Website?
Whether you're looking to launch a new internet web presence, or looking to upgrade your existing company intranet, you're going to need some kind of content management system. CMS tools abound, and it's easy to get lost in all the choices. Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal are the 3 big choices we recommend at About.com. Here is a side-by-side comparison of why we recommend these 3 CMS tools...
See More About:  choosing a cms  drupal  wordpress


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