About Music: Artists To Watch

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From Chad Bowar, your About Music Editor
While it's fine to enjoy your old favorites, one of the cool things about music is the constant supply of exciting new artists and styles. Our music guides have their fingers on the pulse of what's hot now and what soon will be hot, and showcase some new and upcoming artists to watch in 2012.

Top 10 New Pop ArtistsTo Watch In 2012
These are 10 of the top new artists to keep an eye on in 2012. They show some of the greatest promise of breaking through to the pop mainstream. Get to know them now before they are household names.
See More About:  2011 music  new artists  frank ocean

Indie and Alternative Artists To Watch 2012
With the dawning of each new year comes new opportunities for new bands to impress themselves upon the ears of many. Being able to read the musical tea-leaves has become an art unto itself; being able to separate genuine buzz from empty hype a skill worth your while.
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Rappers To Watch In 2012: Fat Tony
Fat Tony is an entertainer--one of the best in his class. But you never get the point that he's simply trying to entertain. In fact, you never get the sense that he's trying to do anything at all. This undermines the standard artist-listener contract. Club rap invites you to escape your immediate reality; forget that light bill, come dance to this.

Penguin Prison - 'Penguin Prison' Review
It's fun to delve into quirk, now and then. Fun to sink into music, swim in the shallows of the sound, float along the lyrics, and dive into the beats. It's fun and cathartic, and nothing makes a moment more memorable than what's playing in the background. Hey, that's why they play sad music at the lowest point in a movie, because it makes the emotions hit home. The best thing I can say for Penguin Prison's style of music, is that they capture this idea fully.
See More About:  penguin prison  pnau  sound of arrows


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