About Computers: Texting, Stealthing, Timeline

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From Paul Gil, your About Computers Editor
Happy 2012, everyone! As you settle into your routine this January, maybe I can cajole you into trying some new things with your gadgets. Perhaps some new abbreviations to flavor your text messaging? Perhaps some sneaky ways for you to surf anonymously online? Grab yourself some espresso and check out our computing newsletter below.

Texting and Instant Message Jargon, 2012
Thumb typing has really modified modern English. People love their shortcuts, and are happy to sacrifice punctuation and spelling in order to send faster text messages. Expressions like 'hmu', 'wbu', 'nvm', and 'fwiw' abound. But don't scream in frustration just yet... About.com explains these modern jargon terms here.

Invisible Mode: How to Do Secret Instant Messaging
Facebook, eBuddy, Google Plus, Yahoo Messenger: there are times you will want to hide from your text message friends. Here is how you stealth your way online, and choose which people will see your availability...

Anonymous Browsing: How to Surf in Secret
There are many reasons to hide your online tracks: maybe you are a journalist doing sensitive research, maybe you are a crisis interventionist who needs to investigate online, or maybe you are just uncomfortable having people see what you do. Whatever your motivation, here is how you cloak your surfing habits and hide your browser tracks...
See More About:  anonymous surfing  bugmenot  online privacy

How to Use the New Facebook Timeline
FB Timeline is a very visual way to present yourself on Facebook. You can have panoramic photos, slide bar calendars, life events, activity stories and more. Timeline isn't for everyone (it's for people who like to show off), but the people who like Timeline absolutely love it. About.com explains how it works here.
See More About:  facebook  social networking  social media


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