About Auto & Wheels: Banning Cell Phones While Driving

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Whenever I get lost (often) I find I have to turn the radio off in order to concentrate because I just find it too distracting. Speaking of distracting, the NTSB has some new recommendations in the name of safety.

NTSB: No Cell Phones
It's hard to argue with what the NTSB recommends: no cell phones at all while driving. Let your passenger deal with the "We'll be a little late to the party" calls, or just pull over and make the call from a safe place. What do you think? Once you read the article, leave a comment at the bottom. Meanwhile, put your cell phone down and learn about ESC:

Test Drive: 2012 Toyota Land Cruiser
I remember my first ride in a Land Cruiser. I was stuck in the way back row and it was so cramped that I could barely breath. I'm only 5'6" and my legs were crushed up into my chest. I don't get how these big dealies seem to have no room. I wonder if these two are any better:

Saying Goodbye to the Ford Ranger
I don't give Ford a passing grade here. It really feels like Ford didn't put its heart into making a great small truck. And what's up with other countries getting a new model and not us? Bah! I guess Ford isn't alone because there aren't even a lot of small trucks left. Here's what Chevy and Nissan have to offer:

What Exactly Is a Classic Motorcycle?
While certain rules can apply (the age of the bike, etc) there's also the sometimes-unanswerable question, "What is classic about it other than its age?" That's hard to define of course and sometimes it's just up to you. Can modern bikes be classics as soon as they roll off the assembly line? I'd vote "yeah" on that one.


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